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Herr Knedel/Great things with containers: Running Calibre with Docker Compose (Synology pro setup).

Created Fri, 21 Feb 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Modified Mon, 28 Mar 2022 18:27:59 +0000 Difficulty level: It may take a little longer

509 Words

There is already a simpler tutorial on this blog: Synology-Nas: Install Calibre Web as ebook library. This tutorial is for all Synology DS professionals.

Step 1: Prepare Synology

The first thing to do is to enable SSH login on Diskstation. To do this, go to the “Control Panel” > “Terminal

After that you can log in via “SSH”, the specified port and the administrator password (Windows users take Putty or WinSCP). I log in via Terminal, winSCP or Putty and leave this console open for later.

Step 2: Create books folder

I create a new folder for the Calibre library. To do this, I go to “Control Panel” -> “Shared Folder” and create a new folder called “Books”. If there is no “Docker” folder yet, then this must also be created.

Step 3: Prepare books folder

Now the following file must be downloaded and unpacked: The content (“metadata.db”) must be placed in the new books directory, see:

Step 4: Prepare Docker folder

I create a new directory called “calibre” in the Docker directory:

Then I change to the new directory and create a new file called “calibre.yml” with the following content:

version: '2'
    image: linuxserver/calibre-web
    container_name: calibre-web-server
      - PUID=1026
      - PGID=100
      - TZ=Europe/Berlin
      - /volume1/Buecher:/books
      - /volume1/docker/calibre:/briefkaste
      - 8055:8083
    restart: unless-stopped

In this new file several places must be adjusted as follows:* PUID/PGID: In PUID/PGID the user and group ID of the DS user must be entered. Here I use the console from “Step 1” and the commands “id -u” to see the user ID. With the command “id -g” I get the group ID.* ports: At the port the front part “8055:” must be adjusted.directoriesAll directories in this file must be corrected. The correct addresses can be seen in the properties window of the DS. (Screenshot follows)

Step 5: Test start

I can also make good use of the console in this step. I change to the Calibre directory and start the Calibre server there via Docker Compose.


$ cd /volume1/docker/calibre
$ sudo docker-compose -f calibre.yml up -d

Step 6: Setup

After that I can call my Calibre server with the IP of the diskstation and the assigned port from “Step 4”. In the setup I use my “/books” mountpoint. After that the server is already usable.

Step 7: Finalizing the setup

Also in this step the console is needed. I use the “exec” command to save the container-internal application database.


$ sudo docker exec -it calibre-web-server cp /app/calibre-web/app.db /briefkaste/app.db

After that I see a new “app.db” file in the Calibre directory: I then stop the Calibre server:

$ sudo docker-compose -f calibre.yml down

Now I change the letterbox path and persist the application database over it.

version: '2'
    image: linuxserver/calibre-web
    container_name: calibre-web-server
      - PUID=1026
      - PGID=100
      - TZ=Europe/Berlin
      - /volume1/Buecher:/books
      - /volume1/docker/calibre/app.db:/app/calibre-web/app.db
      - 8055:8083
    restart: unless-stopped

After that, the server can be restarted:


$ sudo docker-compose -f calibre.yml up -d