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1 results for wikijs
  • Difficulty level: Can be done by anyone
    Wiki.js is a powerful open source wiki software that makes documentation a pleasure with its simple interface. Today I show how to install a Wiki.js service on the Synology DiskStation. Option for professionals Of course, as an experienced Synology user, you can log in right away with SSH and install the whole setup via Docker Compose file. version: '3' services: wikijs: image: requarks/wiki:latest restart: always ports: - 8082:3000 links: - database environment: DB_TYPE: mysql DB_HOST: database DB_PORT: 3306 DB_NAME: my_wiki DB_USER: wikiuser DB_PASS: my_wiki_pass TZ: 'Europe/Berlin' database: image: mysql restart: always expose: - 3306 volumes: - .