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3 results for archiv
  • Difficulty level: Can be done by anyone
    The Wayback Machine is an archive of old websites. You simply enter the domain there and get a timeline of all static snapshots. Recently, a large cultural treasure of old ISOs/CD images has also been added. Under the following link you can find old games, magazines, operating system and also old mail order catalogs: for example the Otto catalog CD from 2000: The 1992 Lego catalog is also a real highlight: https://archive.
    archiv internet iso 90ger 2000er Created Sun, 07 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000
  • Difficulty level: Can be done by anyone
    Wallabag is a program for archiving interesting web pages or articles. Today I will show how to install a Wallabag service on the Synology disk station. Option for professionals Of course, as an experienced Synology user, you can log in right away with SSH and install the whole setup via Docker Compose file. version: '3' services: wallabag: image: wallabag/wallabag environment: - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=wallaroot - SYMFONY__ENV__DATABASE_DRIVER=pdo_mysql - SYMFONY__ENV__DATABASE_HOST=db - SYMFONY__ENV__DATABASE_PORT=3306 - SYMFONY__ENV__DATABASE_NAME=wallabag - SYMFONY__ENV__DATABASE_USER=wallabag - SYMFONY__ENV__DATABASE_PASSWORD=wallapass - SYMFONY__ENV__DATABASE_CHARSET=utf8mb4 - SYMFONY__ENV__DOMAIN_NAME=http://192.
  • Difficulty level: It may take a little longer
    Papermerge is a young document management system (DMS) that can automatically assign and process documents. In this tutorial I show how I installed Papermerge on my Synology disk station and how the DMS works. Option for professionals Of course, as an experienced Synology user, you can log in right away with SSH and install the whole setup via Docker Compose file. version: "2.1" services: papermerge: image: container_name: papermerge environment: - PUID=1024 - PGID=100 - TZ=Europe/Berlin volumes: - .